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Subversion of the Day- Ride a Bicycle

So, I rode my bike today.  And it was really great, but I felt pretty terrible at one point.  I am pretty out of shape.  But, necessity calls for one to do things to meet one’s needs, and I needed to get to school.  So bike it is.  However, i am thankful because riding a bicycle really is a great way to subvert the powers and principalities of this world.  Here are some examples:

– Biking saves you money on gas, which other than helping you save, it prevents you from buying gasoline, which most assuredly is acquired through the blood of others.

-Also with gasoline, the burning of it leads to further destruction of the world as we know it, and riding a bike helps to reduce that, or at least your involvement in it.

-Riding a bike is an easy way to keep your health in check.  Daily exercise is hard to come by, but allowing yourself a half an hour before and after work/school/whatever to transport yourself assures that you stay healthy

And in one of the most interesting things that riding bikes does is cause people to think clearer when they are driving.  Most people are prone to road rage.  So, if you ride a bicycle on a busy street, you really force those around you in a non-coercive way to think about how they react to others, and challenge their hearts and intentions.  That is very Christ-like.

So, ride a bike today, and spread the Kingdom of God.  Subvert the powers today.

About everydaysubversive

I am a subversive. I want you to come with me. I want you to subvert the powers and principalities with me. This blog will be the incoherent ramblings of a border-line crazed militant, peppered with book reviews, songs, poems, stories, commentary, and the Word of God. And, which will be the reoccurring theme, regular suggestions on how to daily subvert the forces of darkness. This is going to get messy. You might bleed a little, and i might as well. At any rate, stay tuned, there should be a lot to talk about.

2 responses to “Subversion of the Day- Ride a Bicycle

  1. Craig ⋅

    I hate road cyclists. Hate hate hate. Did I mention that I hated them? Especially on two way streets.

    • well. I am glad I posted this then. Unfortunately, you aren’t really supposed to rides bikes accept on the road. Now you can challenge the powers and principalities of hate in your life, and throw down those strongholds of EVIL (lol).

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