Subversion of the Day- Have No Fear

With it being Halloween, I thought it fitting (like I am sure a thousand other people) to tackle the subject of the day.  Though this may end up sounding a little bit like a past post, I want to take it in a new direction.  The Subversion of the Day is to have no fear.  On Halloween, fear and fun, or trick and treat, rule the streets.  I want to be clear on the onset of this that I am not out to bash Halloween.  I think that is kind of a fool’s errand, and there are much greater, much more evil of social institutions to throw my weight against… like Christmas or Easter (I kid… sort of).  But there is that common theme of fear that is associated with this holiday, or holy day to some.  When the night creeps in, and strange noises began to tear a part your mind, thinking that some crazed maniac, some ghastly specter, some evil-possessed entity is about to descend upon you…

But how often does that actually happen?

I think there could be something cathartic about the fear induced around Halloween, if we allow it to challenge our desire to flee from things that cause us fright.  But the fear I am speaking of is much more sinister, much more insidious, much darker.  Everyday we go through life carrying certain fears and doubts and uncertainties.  Fear of the unknown, fear of those different than us, fear of change.  We are often crippled by this.  And this is the realm that I think the real evil, the real darkness, the real demonic finds the fruits of it’s labors.  This Halloween stuff is chicanery, slight-of-hand.  The real powers of darkness want you to look the other way, while they are convincing you to walk through your life in fear of really living.  Because when we do that, we disconnect from relying on the God that truly loves us.

So how do we fight the real darkness?


I good place to start in subverting the darkness is not to wage an all out war on all things scary and Halloween-like… but maybe just take it out of your life.  Don’t watch so many movies, read so many books, think so many thoughts that relate to terror.  Instead, think about things that are good, holy, of great worth.  Think about how Jesus changes the world, and brings light to cause darkness to hide wherever He goes.  And then, when you are really ready to tackle the true strong holds of darkness, question the fear that society, and yourself, implant in you:

Fear of other nations/ ethnic groups

Fear of other religions

Fear of other orientations

Fear of other ideologies or political affiliations

Fear of failure

Fear of loss

Fear of death…

When we question fear to its face, it usually doesn’t have much to say.  When you carry the light of Christ with you, the darkness, and fear, has no other option but to flee.  Subvert the powers today.

PS:  I may talk big game, but the picture at the top of this page gives me cold chills every time I think of it, lol.

There is no fear in love; instead, perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment.  So the one who fears has not reached perfection in love.

 1 John 4:18

16 Ways I Blew My Marriage

In continuance of the idea of consistency and commitment being an effective tool for subverting the forces of darkness, a friend told me about a great blog post by Dan Pearce.  This post, which is the above title, delves into some serious issues that create division between people, and it has helped me to look at my relationship with my wife in a more proactive, pursuing way.  Check it out:

Subversion of the Day- Consistency



Is this thing still on?  Man, crazy stuff going on in my life right now- school, work, the greatest marriage ever, preparing to move away from the only state I have ever lived in.  It is like my world is falling apart, and coming together at the same time.  So please stick with me as I figure this out and deal with the Subversion of the Day- being consistent.

I love these little ideas that seem to have nothing to do with a revolutionary existence of under-throwing the powers of darkness.  But the real power is in the powerless!  So how appropriate that something as small as being consistent has such affirmative, life changing power!  If you can’t tell from my month long disappearance, i severely struggle with consistency.  I love to passionately start something, get distracted, and quickly forget about any commitment I ever made towards it.  I get the feeling that a good chunk of the world is like this.  But it is in our consistency that we see real fruit of change.

Maybe it is the only place we see real change?

Revolutions typically aren’t things that just poof out of thin air over night.  They are great events that have had long term influences.  If we really want to see darkness cast out in our lives and in our communities, then we must stick with what we start, or at least not abandon things.

Take time today to think through things you have committed to and have given up on when things were difficult, not what you wanted, or no longer interesting-

A job?A promise?
A commitment?
A relationship?
A resolution?
… a faith?

Or maybe just a blog.  Either way, in order to walk in the way of Jesus, you have to die to the sinful urge to give up.  Perseverance is key, in seeking the Kingdom, and seeing good things in your life.  Some heroes of the faith that I try to stand on the shoulders of say that real change doesn’t happen in the community until the 10th year of doing something.  You can’t expect to see real change in yourself and your life if you cant keep up with something after the 10th day.  I am taking this time to repent of my own lack of commitment and consistency by recommitting to making this blog a prophetic voice for change.  Maybe more consistent than lengthy is the answer.  Let’s find out together.  Subvert the powers today.

Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.

1 Corinthians 15:58